Students Go Wild on Zoo Field Trip

Students of both Biology and Biology Honors journeyed to the zoo for their April 25 field trip.

Addy Bennett, Editor-in-Chief

Most of the freshman class with a handful of sophomores and juniors scattered among them chatted in the courtyard as they waited to load their buses. Biology teacher Lura Owes took attendance, and the students and chaperones grouped together, excited for their field trip to the zoo.

Upon arrival, they lined up with their groups to file into the student entrance. With pencils, packets, and cameras at the ready, they ventured into the wild to document their animal information. Groups were free to mingle under chaperone supervision, so everybody was able to find some time for their friends. Each team took their lunch break when they wanted, some choosing to observe the camel rides as they ate while others lounged in more shady areas.

The farm area was a popular visit for the students, and Strawberry the miniature horse was a particularly adorable attraction. Some wandered into the petting zoo, where they were able to curry-comb goats and practiced milking a fake cow.

The freshmen, sophomores, and juniors were able to discuss evolution theories brought up in class so that they could enhance their learning.

Overall, the field trip proved to be a success through the exposure it brought to the students. They were able to observe adapted animals and record data on them so that their class time might translate more efficiently.