Joseph Rivas, Columnist
An Opinion on Abortion
Currently, abortion is a debate of high importance in the United States, however, the debate itself raises a question: who should be making the decision about this issue of seminal concern?
Arab Youth Survey
Despite prevalent beliefs, the assumption that numerous Middle Easterners are radical has been proven incorrect in a recent survey.

Struggling with the Selective Service System
Upon becoming adults, all American teenagers are expected to sign up for the Selective Service Act, facing serious penalties if they do not.
The Gravity of Global Warming
Antarctica is melting faster than you can say “global warming is fake,” and despite an abundance of scientific proof, many are still denying it even in the face of impending disaster.
Wood Spider: Decadence Album Review
Wood Spider delivers an excellent and unique album that blends folk stylings, punk influence, and ethos almost perfectly in their fourth album.
Changing the Police
As police and civilian tensions rise police leaders strive to change police policy and procedure to avoid further casualties and mitigate the use of force by focusing on peaceful resolutions.
In Need of Racially Diverse Superheroes
The importance of heroes cannot be understated, they’re a part of all human cultures. However, for many minorities, finding a relatable hero is anything but easy.
MLK Day’s Importance
From the Black Lives Matter movement to the unfortunate amount of violence and loss experienced by the African American community in 2015, Martin Luther King Jr.’s words ring true to this day.
Politics and Terrorism
Cultural and economic instability has wrought havoc throughout europe in the past decade, mix that with the recent wave of vicious terrorist attacks and the influx of refugees and you have a state of fear being driven to the fringes of the political spectrum.
Mission: 4.2 Billion
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg takes on the arduous task of providing an affordable internet plan to the 4 billion people in the world who don't have access to the internet.
Getting into Skating: A How-To Guide
Skating is fun, but for many, it’s not easy to start. It's an investment of time and money, so why not do it right? There are a few things anyone considering skating should know to make your experience smooth and easy, so you can get skating sooner.
Ketchup Car
Ford collaborates with condiment company Heinz to turn tomato waste into car parts.
Death to the Death Penalty
Despite being legal in 32 states, the ethical and moral implications of capital punishment are leading many to wonder if it should even be practiced.
Child Labor Brought To Light
We all love the clothing we wear, but if we realize where this shirt from Nike or skirt from H&M come from, they may seem a little less beautiful.
Arizona Passes HS Civics Test
Arizona has recently required that their high school seniors take a civics test, which will decide whether or not they can graduate.
Why Media And Art Bans Do Not Work
Bans on media and art create more problems than they solve. just create more?
Bad At Making Art?
Without any encouragement to balance out the negative, many upcoming artists struggle to see their own worth.
YouTube Pranks Causing More Harm Than Good
The popular “prank”-style videos on YouTube are popping up everywhere, but do they have any redeeming qualities?
Charities’ Impact On Families
Never overlook the importance of a charitable gesture.
Arizona’s Folk-Punk and DIY Scene
The folk-punk and DIY genre tends to remain underground, but when it springs up every now and then, it's sure to please.