Student Spotlight: Sam Grayson
Baton twirling isn’t the most common sport around campus, but Sam Grayson, grade 11, has been twirling for nearly eight years now and recently won the State Championship. She began when she was nine years old because she had previously taken gymnastics, but “decided to try something new and exciting.” She started off by joining a summer class for baton twirling and continued on for years after.
The locations of these competitions can range anywhere from junior high schools, high schools, and even colleges, as long as a gym is in the building. Grayson also mentioned that one of her competitions was held in the gymnasium at Horizon Honors in February of 2012. Her coach, who was in charge of running the State Championships, decided upon Horizon Honors. Although competitions can be rewarding, Grayson also participates “in parades and performances throughout the year where [she] can just have fun, and enjoy twirling, rather than competing.”
When asked about where she practices, Grayson replied, “I honestly practice just at a basketball court in a park in Scottsdale with my teammates and coach. It may look a little out of place, but it has no boundaries.” Each Sunday she practices with her teammates and coach, but if necessary, she can schedule private lessons before a performance to receive extra practice. Grayson plans to continue twirling throughout college as she is looking into trying out for twirling teams that perform during football and basketball games. “I know that most twirlers compete for their high school teams, [but] since Horizon doesn’t have a football team, it would be an exciting new experience.” She does plan on continuing her competitions in the future, and since she will be turning 18 next year, she is planning to enter the Miss Twirling Athlete of Arizona.

Tiara is a 2nd year Journalism student, and is currently an Associate editor for Features and Extras. She initially took journalism because she enjoyed writing and found the journalism field interesting.
Tiara plans to become a pharmacist. She will most likely major in Biology at U of A for her undergraduate years, and continue her graduate studies at the U of A College of Pharmacy.