Farewell, Horizon Honors
May 28, 2014
After 14 very long and happy years, it’s finally time for me to fly from the Eagle’s nest. I remember when I was in pre-kindergarten and I met one person who I’m still friends with to this day. And that’s the beauty of Horizon Honors; most of the people I’m graduating with I have known for at least 10 or more years. In a way it’s almost like I’m graduating with family; we have all grown up with each other, we remember each others’ awkward phases (unfortunately), we remember each others’ birthdays, and we remember that no matter what, we will always be Eagles at heart.
This school is special. Not every school has teachers that legitimately care about the students’ education. Not every school places the drama productions above sports. Although we don’t put a ton of emphasis on the sports here, I still believe that our fan section is better than any other school’s. We have some of the most school spirited students, and even our alumni are still very spirited Horizon Honors fans. Now I will admit I have had my doubts about this school, but now that I have finally reached the end, I realize that I wouldn’t have done anything differently, Horizon Honors was a great school.
Some advice for future seniors: enjoy every single moment of your senior year because it’s really true what they say about this being the fastest year of high school. I can still remember the first day of my senior year, and it seriously seems as though that was yesterday. Go to all the sports events you can; there’s no better fan section than ours. Go to as many dances as you can, make every single one count and go crazy! You may never have another school dance after prom. And don’t stress out about college or your future because your future is just beginning, and in your senior year it’s time for you to experience the true meaning of being a carefree teen.
I will miss this school and everyone here, and I know that the memories I’ve made will stay with me for the rest of my life. So, Horizon, it’s been fun but now it’s time for me to move on and start the rest of my life. Farewell Horizon Honors. It’s been real.