The American mass media corporation known as Disney has purchased the company known as Lucasfilm from CEO George Lucas. Lucas is most famous for his creation of the epic space opera franchise, Star Wars. Lucas sold Lucasfilm along with Lucasarts and Skywalker Sound for a total of $4.05 billion dollars. Along with Disney’s purchase of the company, Lucas revealed that Star Wars Episodes VII, VIII, and IX were in the works. The fan response has been mixed; many fans feel that the franchise should be left alone and the series should be complete as it currently is, or believe Disney will make the films overly childish or ruin them in another way. Lucas, however, is very positive about the deal, saying, “It’s now time for me to pass ‘Star Wars’ on to a new generation of filmmakers. I’ve always believed that ‘Star Wars’ could live beyond me, and I thought it was important to set up the transition during my lifetime.” Dedicated fans noticed that Lucas’ attitude towards creating more Star Wars movies has changed drastically. While the series did “end” with Return of The Jedi, many Star Wars fans never gave up on the fact the series was over. Countless books, graphic novels, TV shows, and spin-offs have been produced, but deep down every Star Wars fan was just wishing for another movie, desperate to know what happened after Luke saved the Rebel Alliance, defeated the Emperor, and helped his father bring balance to the Force.
Back when the prequel trilogy was being announced, some fans of the originals weren’t too happy. Some wanted more Star Wars movies, while others wanted it to be left as it was. While the prequel trilogy might not be the greatest, it still greatly resonated with the fans. Newer fans are currently feeling the same way people did 13 years ago, while some really want these movies. Regardless of their feelings on the making of the new movies, many fans will go to see it when it comes out in theaters.
Another burning question is who will direct the next trilogy of films? Many have been rumored and considered yet it still remains a mystery. The decision is crucial, because the director will have to work very closely with the fan base to keep them appeased. Regardless of who is directing or who is starring in the new films, it is important to keep an open mind about the future of the Star Wars franchise that so many of us have come to know, and cherish.