The Birth of Spirit Week
Many schools have at least one spirit week a year, and the lucky ones have even more. Why, though, do we take part in it it all?
January 27, 2018
Friendship Week was a time for the students at Palo Alto High School to adjust back to learning after a long summer break. In 1952, this California school would spend a half week dressing up as a student much as they could, according to Retro Junk. Students would go all-out during this week.
The title “Spirit Week” arose in 70s, after a depressing downfall in the 60s due to the Vietnam War. Freshmen became a part of high school, causing a boom in both Spirit Week’s popularity and the people involved.
During the 80s, Spirit Week had gained a bad reputation. Students began vandalizing property and celebrating in destructive ways. So, despite the decision being unpopular within the student body, the celebration was cut down to half a week. Themes were often decided by students, who didn’t care whether or not their themes were appropriate.
The Spirit Week we now know has developed through exciting beginnings and dark spots, but has always been enjoyable for the students. Getting involved in Horizon Honor’s many Spirit Weeks is a great way to both have fun and show support for your school, so don’t hesitate to join in and spread the spirit!