Benefits of AP Classes

2012/2013 AP Lit class.

Daisy Valentin, Website Administrator

High school students that feel the need to be challenged more in their education typically take Advanced Placement (AP) courses to be better prepared for college. AP classes are college level courses that have a harder curriculum than a regular and well formed subject plan. It is a well thought out and organized process that is affiliated with the College Board, who are also in charge of the PSAT and SAT tests. When applying for college, AP courses shows success in completing college-level work. Many universities offer course credit for a high score on AP exams. By receiving a high score, students may also have an opportunity to skip the class in college. Taking AP classes can save a bundle of money for incoming freshmen by starting college as a second semester student.

 Horizon Honors High School students feel that AP classes have helped them flourish academically, as they have been pushed to be successful and set higher goals for themselves. Anja Asato, grade 11, has been taking AP classes for two years; last year she took World History AP (WHAP) and for her junior year she decided to take AP U.S. History and AP Literature. Asato feels that AP classes go into more depth, helping her to grasp onto more information. A first time AP student, Carter Robinson, is enrolled in AP literature this year. She described AP classes as being “similar to an honors class with the added stress of a test at the end of the year!” Both Asato and Robinson hope to get college credits for taking AP courses.

Although AP is much more difficult than a regular grade level course, it may pay off in the long run by boosting your future academic career. AP will help to reduce the cost of certain college courses, if students are able to score highly. If you’re willing to put in extra work and dedicate yourself to the course, AP is an excellent option.