Fall Drama Production

Katy Abby, Columnist

Fall. The season of pumpkins, warm sweaters, hot chocolate, and the enchanting scent of cinnamon and nutmeg. Many look forward to the cooler weather and a sense of renewal that comes after every summer. Yes, fall is a lovely season with much to look forward to. You know what other wonderful and spectacular treat this magical time of year has to offer? That’s right! The fall drama production!

This fall, the Horizon Drama Productions will be performing the classic tale, “It’s a Wonderful Life.” The play begins on Christmas Eve, with the lead George Bailey, played by Dylan Freymuth, in a financial pickle. He’s about to commit suicide in order to get the money from his life insurance for his family, when the angel Clarence stops him in the nick of time.<<cliche  Clarence takes the time to show George just how meaningful his life is and how much he matters.

It’s sure to be a wonderful play that will bring on a wide color of emotions for both the audience and cast. Look forward to the rosy glow of young love blossoming into a vibrant red, the mournful tears of blue as black death takes its toll, and the silver bells of joy that ring for everyone and embrace those who hear it in a song of comfort and bliss. When asked for a comment, Freymuth had to say, “It’s a great cast!” and appeared very confident in the talents of the students participating. It’s certainly a play you won’t want to miss, so look out for it with attentive rapture and thrill.