NJHS Elects New Officers

Candidate Skylar Kemper presents her speech. Kemper ran for vice president
October 23, 2013
The results of the NJHS officer election were announced. Eighth grader Maggie Kenzler was elected president, eighth grader Nikhil Dave was elected vice president, eighth graders Makenna Dunn and Jenna Clark became co-treasurers as the result of a tie, and eighth grader Ali Hoole was elected secretary.
Regarding her new position Kenzler said, “I feel proud to be elected. I want to be able to set a good example for younger children, and help all the members to be leaders. Also, I will take the responsibilities which come with being president very seriously.” Kenzler also said that she plans to use the position of president to reach out to others.
The shared position between Clark and Dunn is very surprising because of Section 5 of Article VIII of the National Junior Honor Society bylaws: “If the first vote does not yield a majority, a second vote shall be taken of the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes.” Ms. Dichiara, the adviser for our NJHS sector, said “Because all the students were present at the meeting, a revote only would have had the same results. It was also more convenient to give them a co-position, because break was starting and we need officers for the meetings in the second quarter.”
Most of the members are pleased with the election. Yet, some are confused. Eighth grader Adriana Brady said, “It seems very odd that Dunn and Clark are sharing a position. I thought either one or the other would get the position, but not both of them.”
Now that the new NJHS officers are elected, they will start planning activities such as working with daycare children and decorating nursing homes. Most of all, they will ensure that we have another great year helping the community and encouraging each other to grow.