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Student News for Horizon Honors Secondary School

The Horizon Sun

Student News for Horizon Honors Secondary School

The Horizon Sun

Student News for Horizon Honors Secondary School

The Horizon Sun

Emily LaBatt

Emily LaBatt, Columnist

Emily LaBatt attended Horizon Honors in 7th grade, and now for 8th grade. She enjoys writing, and would like to improve her skills in that area. Based on these interests, she is taking Journalism 1-2 for one of her two electives. Emily would like to continue to write as she grows older, and aspires to write fictional children's stories as an adult. She feels that journalism will be an amazing experience for learning to work in a group and for developing writing skills.

Opening her own bakery is Emily's dream. She often bakes to grow her skills, and because she loves the taste of warm, flaky pastries and desserts. Her favorite baked dessert is old fashioned peach muffins. Her hobbies are writing short stories, reading fantasy novels, and sketching. Also, she swims on the Chandler Arizona Desert Dolphin synchronized swim team. She has one gold medal from a city figure meet. Emily hopes journalism will open new doors for her future aspirations.

All content by Emily LaBatt
Scrapbook Paper DIY

Scrapbook Paper DIY

Emily LaBatt, Columnist
June 13, 2014
Students and their families stand under a colorful laminated 
sheet made by Intro to Art students. This project was created 
using sharpies and transparencies.

An Evening of Art

Emily LaBatt, Columnist
May 15, 2014

Yearbook Distribution

Emily LaBatt, Columnist
May 14, 2014

NJHS Daycare Buddies

Emily LaBatt, Columnist
May 1, 2014
Eighth graders Skylar Kemper and Emily Bukoski smile for a photo. Both girls tried out for spring sports, and are excited for a new season.

Gearing Up for Spring

Emily LaBatt, Columnist
March 2, 2014
High schoolers Krista Santacruz, Alexa Geidel, and middle schooler Tessa Jung write the Resolution of Respect on butcher paper that will serve as a "contract" among students to act in ways that are kind and respectful, and that combat bullying.

Beyond the Walls: Resolution of Respect

Students in Beyond the Walls are working together to inform Horizon Honors' students about bullying.
Maggie Kenzler and Emily LaBatt
March 2, 2014
Photo courtesy of Daisy Valentin © Daisy Valentin 2014

Indecent or Acceptable?

Emily LaBatt, Columnist
February 24, 2014
Candy canes are a symbol of Christmas, and are an inspiration for holiday crafts. Get in the spirit by decorating your house and nails with candy cane prints!

Candy cane crafts

Emily LaBatt, Columnist
December 21, 2013
Winter Wonderland in a Jar

Winter Wonderland in a Jar

Emily LaBatt, Columnist
December 11, 2013
Kits to make miniature Christmas wreaths are waiting to be made. These wreaths will be hung up at the second decorating on Dec. 7.

NJHS Shares Holiday Cheer

Emily LaBatt, Columnist
November 21, 2013
Candidate Skylar Kemper presents her speech. Kemper ran for vice president

NJHS Elects New Officers

Emily LaBatt, Columnist
October 23, 2013

Peach Muffin Recipe

Emily LaBatt, Columnist
September 20, 2013

Gymnast Shannon Binkley

Emily LaBatt, Columnist
September 13, 2013
Radio Club's music at lunch

Radio Club’s music at lunch

Emily LaBatt, Columnist
September 9, 2013
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