An Evening of Art

Photo Courtesy of Emily LaBatt © ERL 2014
Students and their families stand under a colorful laminated sheet made by Intro to Art students. This project was created using sharpies and transparencies.
May 15, 2014
Students and families were invited to view artwork made by Horizon Honors art students in mediums including pastels, scratchboard, oil and soft pastel, watercolor, and mixed media. But that’s not all that was on display at the second art show of the year. On May 9, students from Culinary Arts, Graphic Design, Guitar, Art, and Photography all gathered at the second semester Art Show to celebrate the fruits of their hard work.
Culinary provided plenty of delicious treats for the visitors. Guests were invited to try cookies, berry tarts, brownies, and pumpkin spice bars; then they were handed a deliciously creamy Orange Julius to wash it down. After having their fill of culinary treats, visitors could enter technology lab, where Graphic Design portfolios were on display. Rather than having all of their work printed, which would be rather costly, students created electronic portfolios on computers. The portfolios were set up like websites, with different tabs for the student’s work. “I liked having all of my work in one place,” said Sophomore Marisol Andrade Muñoz, a graphic design student.
Graphic Design had an area in the Media Center, where they displayed their product designs and book covers. Also in the Media Center was the photography display, a selective collection of photos taken throughout the second semester.
On display in the art/community room were the intermediate and honors pieces, exhibited in groups by their artists. In addition, there were groups of self portraits, watercolor trees, and “learn, believe, dream, dare” art created by Beginning and Intro to Art students. The spotlight of the room was a plastic bottle chandelier, created in the style of Dale Chihuly’s glass work. An interesting new addition to the Art Show was an interactive art piece. A plain white chair and frame were placed in front of a camera that was set to film during the entire art show. Throughout the duration of the night guests were invited to place four different colored stickers onto the chair or frame, in whatever pattern they would like. The idea is to play the video later speeded up, and look for any patterns in the way that people placed the stickers onto the piece.
In the Larry Pierrat Activity Center, more intermediate and honors work were arranged for viewing. In addition, the Beginning Art and Intro to Art scratchboard pieces were on display. The evening culminated with Guitar Showcase performances taking place in the multipurpose room. As a group, they performed “Allegro,” “Surfin USA,” “Minka,” “American Pie,” “Dust in the Wind,” and “Scarborough Fair”. Kinsey McDaniel performed “Hallelujah” and Hector Rodriguez performed “Let Her Go.”
The Art Show is a chance for students to showcase their skills, and a chance for parents and friends to view the unique artwork created by Secondary Students. Melinda Buttrey, the art teacher, said, “The art show went incredibly well, and wouldn’t have happened without the help of the Intermediate and Honors students.”