A World of Music
Horizon Honors Choirs Dolce Voce and Magnum Chordum take the stage with their first choir concert of the 2014-2015 school year.
Photo Courtesty of Danielle Moran
The boys of Magnum Chordum, accompanied by members of Dolce Voce, perform their song “Yellow Bird.”
September 21, 2014
Cheers and applause filled the Multi-Purpose Room on Wednesday, Sept. 17, as Dolce Voce and Magnum Chordum performed in their first-quarter choir concert. Family and friends sat in the audience and enjoyed a night full of songs relating to different cultures from around the world.
Every quarter has a specific theme that the songs follow, allowing students to broaden their choral experience and knowledge. This quarter, the theme was “A World of Music.” Students performed songs with sounds and rhythms from different cultures, as well as in different languages. Horizon Honors Choir teacher, Cori VanderLey, explained, “The students from last year expressed how much they enjoyed singing songs from other countries, so I decided to do a whole concert themed on that.”
The concert consisted of five songs: one performed by only Dolce Voce, three performed by both Dolce and Magnum Chordum together, and one performed by only Magnum. A crowd favorite was a song performed by the boys of Magnum called Yellow Bird, accompanied by Dolce members Addie Martin, Evan Mills, and Sam Garcia on percussion. The Haitian folk song had an upbeat tone, and the addition of the percussionists made the audience love it even more.
Another memorable performance of the night was Homeward Bound, a combined song that featured seventh grader Taegon Giddings as a soloist. Giddings says her favorite thing about the concerts are that, “you get to show off your talent to all the parents.” Her performance allowed her to do just that.
This is the first year in Horizon Honors history that the two choirs have merged together as one. The change proved to be beneficial by expanding the possibilities of the choir. “We can do more songs that we wouldn’t have been able to do before,” commented member of Magnum Chordum, sophomore Cameron Lowe. Giddings also finds that the mixed choir has its advantages. She says, “[Singing with the boys] has a good mix to it. It sounds really fun altogether!”
If you were unable to attend this array of culturally diverse songs performed, do not fret! VanderLey hopes to continue the theme of “A World of Music” throughout the year, turning it into “A World of Celebrations.” Dolce Voce and Magnum Chordum’s next concert will be Dec. 9 at 6 p.m.