High School Advice
Advice from high schoolers for eighth graders coming into high school.

Here’s some advice from high schoolers for incoming eighth graders.
March 22, 2021
Starting high school can be a big change. Classes get harder, social situations change, you’re growing up and have to start making harder choices for yourself. Here are some pieces of advice for 8th graders coming to high school from older students so that the transition from middle school to high school may be a little easier.
Caleb Hert – ninth
- Don’t worry about not being in classes with your friends, just pick the classes you really want and there’s still a good chance you will get at least one core class with a friend.
- Just do homework! Even if you do not perform well on tests or quizzes, just doing the homework which you have plenty of time to do will get you a decent grade. On top of that, it will definitely help you do better on those tests in the future.
- Pick a balance of hard classes and classes that you think may be easier. While you very well could pick all honors/AP classes, maybe think about balancing your classes more so you have extra time after school for extracurricular activities; you don’t want to be working 24/7.
- Make friends in every class! Not only do you have a new friend but you now have someone to study with, get help from, and get info from in case you miss a school day.
- Take opportunities. This will be easier in a non-pandemic year of course, but it is important to step out of your comfort zone and take some opportunities that you will be given. Clubs, trips, special electives, and sports teams all are good opportunities to choose from.
Mohammad Sheihkh – ninth
- Always stay on top of your game. To be more specific, it would mean to complete your work as soon as you are assigned that work because it will build up, and you will have to pick and choose which assignment you have to complete for that day.
- Listen very closely in class. If not completing your work, then listening very closely in class will be the only way you could understand the material and/or pass the quizzes and tests.
- Make friends to talk to and ask if you need any help with assignments. It could be hard making friends as a freshman because a lot of people you knew in the year prior to you being a freshman have left or have completely different schedules.
These are some tips I wish I knew before becoming a freshmen that I could’ve applied more effectively to my freshman year of highschool, and I hope these could be of help to any future freshmen.
Elizabeth Hughes – ninth
- I wish I kept up with regularly organizing all my papers. There have been several times where an older page of notes could have been helpful, but I wasn’t able to find it.
- I wish I hadn’t stressed about my relationships with other people so much or been too afraid to reach out to others.
- Sometimes when things are overwhelming, you just have to prioritize assignments. Make sure to check which one is worth more and look at late policies.
- It would have been helpful to develop more of a relationship with teachers. It can be intimidating to reach out to them sometimes.
Gurnoor Jaura – ninth
- Ask questions if you have them.
- Speak up in class, answer questions, and participate.
- Focus on school because friends will come and go but your grades in high school determine the rest of your life.
Zoe Hertz – ninth
- Make friends in other grades, don’t just stick to your own.
- Be open to change because a lot changes in high school and you need to be ready.
- Study hard. Grades are more important in high school and you can’t let them sip. Pop quizzes come often so keep up with your work and make sure you know the material at all times.
- You get more freedom in high school but also more responsibility. Teachers won’t remind you when you have a missing assignment or ask you if you know the material. You need to be self sufficient.
Faith Pellegrino – 10th
- You don’t have to be friends with everyone, some close friends go a long way.
- Focus on what really matters. Prioritize what you do with your time and don’t procrastinate. If you fall back on assignments, your classes will catch up to you.
- It’s okay to drift away from your old middle school friends if it’s not working out. People change in high school and it’s okay to drift apart.
Brailey McDaniel – 10th
- People are nicer in high school so consider getting to know more people.
- It’s not as stressful or hard as you think it is, just be careful about your grades and don’t stress yourself out so much.
Kaylie Morse – 10th
- Always be prepared for anything, and never fall behind.
- Always ask questions if you have them. Don’t be worried about sounding dumb or something, because if you don’t ask questions you will be even more confused then when you had one.
- Don’t be lazy. Push yourself because no one will be there to push you anymore. Don’t be lazy.
Emily Hoffman – 10th
- Make solid friends, avoid drama, and never create it.
- Don’t be afraid to leave friends if they are toxic or if you are putting in all the effort.
- Don’t push yourself too hard. Try and do your best but accept if it’s not 100% perfect. You don’t need to be perfect and pushing yourself too hard can have the opposite effect.
Allison Henning – 11th
- Don’t be scared to try honors or AP classes, however if it’s too hard you can just take regular classes, don’t feel bad if you’re not in honors.
- Stay on top and don’t fall behind.
Hopefully, this advice will help make your transition from middle school to high school easier.