Drawing Conclusions About Cartooning

Troy Wildy, Columnist

Cartoons have always been popular. They are a source of entertainment and a great thing to gather over on rainy days. But what many do not know is that cartoons also benefit those who create them. They are a way for people to express themselves more clearly and be better understood. There are people who would love to be understood, and this is a great way to do just that.

But part of why cartoons amplify their creators’ voices is because they are fun to read. Not everyone knows how to make their work appealing. From creating characters and settings to thinking up jokes to drawing cars—most people don’t know where to start. It is imperative that these people learn where to they can take off from and then continue from there.

To begin the process, the characters and theme of your future creations need to be established. These should both be determined by your motives to begin cartooning in the first place. If you want to express your political views, your characters will probably be the actual people you are talking about, or at least heavily representative of them. If you want to show a growing conservation problem, your characters will probably be animals or humans that are disrespectful of wildlife, depending on how you intend to get your message across.

Thinking of jokes is a natural process, not one that can be rushed. Forcing your brain to think up jokes can be frustrating and ineffective. When you think of an idea, no matter where you are, write it! There’s nothing a cartoonist hates more than forgetting a good idea. As for drawing, if you can’t get lessons of some sort, practice, practice, practice! Many cartoonists learn to draw from no one other than their own failures.

Some say the fact that few know how to cartoon well is for good reason. They believe that if everyone was good at it, it wouldn’t be special anymore. This is half true. If everyone truly was an expert, the impact of the message might be lowered. However, not everyone wants to be a cartoonist. Therefore, it’s important to encourage those who wish to pursue this career path. After all, it’s not the talent of one’s work that proves their merit, but the effort they put into it. If you would like to start cartooning, Horizon Honors offers Cartooning Club after school every silver Monday and blue Wednesday in Room 216.