Vitalant Blood Drive
With the recent shortage of blood, donating blood is imperative and helpful.

Horizon Honors is giving students the opportunity to help in the current blood shortage.
February 17, 2023
The next blood drive at Horizon Honors is on Friday, Feb. 24. You must be 16 or older in order to donate and parental permission is required if you are younger than 18. In order to check further requirements, inquire at the Media Center. The blood drive is incredibly important, as each donation can save up to three lives amidst a current shortage of blood. According to Vitalant, the blood supply as of Jan. 9, 2023, is declining and has “dipped to its lowest level in a year.” Blood donations are needed now more than ever. Students will also receive community service hours for donating, helping with the blood drive, or recruiting a donor in their name.
Sign up here.