Crushing The Comfort Zone

Comfort zones are alright to have, but if you never leave it you’ll never have a chance to grow.

Danielle Moran, Columnist

You know how it goes. You remember how it feels. It’s bound to hold you back at least every once in a while. It keeps you in, restrains you from trying something new. It’s that darn boundary between what you know and what you don’t. Everyone has one, and everyone dubs it as the same exact thing… the comfort zone.

By definition, a “comfort zone” is a place or situation where one feels at ease and without stress. Now, I have no problem with the existence of this mental wall of protection kind of thing. In fact, always having something you know you can trust is quite reassuring. The problem only occurs when people spend too much time among the certain and not enough time among the unpredictable. By doing this, we grow accustomed to never having to worry about disliking our decisions. As a result, the concept of leaving this bubble that we’ve created is antagonized, and many people do not wish to do it.

We’ve cemented into our minds the idea that inside the comfort zone, we are safe. Safe from all the terrifying things that dwell in the unknown lands of the world surrounding it, and in turn, us. A world so mysterious that just the thought of stepping out of your comfort zone is enough to send a shiver down your spine and probably start Beethoven’s Symphony no. 5 blasting in your head.

It’s understandable! There are countless times that I hesitate in making my own decisions. Do I chose the safe route or take a chance down the road less travelled? It’s something I’ve always struggled with but recently I’ve learned that although the process might be scary, breaking through that comfort zone is imperative to discovering who you really are and what you’re capable of.

Here’s your daily dose of wise words from a 16-year-old: life’s purpose is to invent a purpose for itself. This is not something that can be done by doing the same old same old from here on out for the rest of your life. It’s done by experimenting; finding out what you can and cannot do. You need the willingness to try new things and, dare I say it, be uncomfortable at times. Learn from the results. Yes, there is a risk; you may not like what happens, but you’ll become a stronger person for it. And hey, at least you won’t have any regrets.