Best Fruit of All
The debate of the century.

Pepin Heights Apple store sells apple treats and handmade crafts. It is located in Minnesota.
February 28, 2019
The Journalism class has gathered to settle a lasting debate of which fruit deserves the title of superiority. This is an opinion-based article with the personal input of many of our students.
To us, each opinion depends much on what you would define as the best. Some may say that best would be defined in terms of taste, texture, and versatility. But it all depends on the judgement of who you’re asking. Selecting one fruit that is worth more than the rest is difficult, because the definitions of “best” can mean so many different things.
In my personal opinion, I think that tomatoes are the best. I would never take a bite out of it like an apple, but its versatility makes it easy to put in almost anything top add taste, texture, and nutritional value. There are also a large variety of tomatoes, like heirloom, cherry, roma, and they all have different tastes and textures to please the consumers’ tastes; this makes them both versatile and delicious.
Addy Bennett, Editor-in-Chief
I feel like the obvious answer here is the apple. Not only is it iconic, aesthetically pleasing, and great in rhymes about health, but it is by far the most versatile fruit. Consider this: they pair with everything because there are virtually endless types, each suited to baking, cooking, or eating raw. Just toss them with oatmeal, pork, cheese, bread, vegetables, peanut butter, caramel, the contents of your kitchen sink and call it good. If you need an idea of what I’m getting at, hop on over to Pinterest and take a quick peek at “apple recipes.” See what I mean? Endless options, and all you need to do is visit the nearest grocery store or orchard. Of course, where the apple truly outshines all other fruits is when utilized in a pie. This all-American classic is truly a recipe for the ages. Imagine: cinnamon sugar melted over a bed of tart apples, soaked in syrup, and held together in the yummiest package—a flaky crust. So at this point, we should all understand the versatility and deliciousness of the apple. But there’s even more to love here. The health benefits—through the roof. According to Healthline, apples are linked to a lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. In fact, there are benefits for every part of the body; the apple can strengthen your brain and your lungs, and are rich in fiber, water, and antioxidants. It’s like a vitamin shot, but so much more delicious. I suppose what I’m getting at is this: there’s a reason why pop culture labels the apple as representing the forbidden fruit of the Garden of Eden. They’re simply irresistible.
Griffin Sonnemann-Creed, Editor of Features and Extras
Real talk, I’m in agreement with Addy. Apples are the quintessential fruit; the king of kings! You’d be hard-pressed to find one which doesn’t have the same level of recognition and fame the apple has. There’s plenty of variety with them, too. You have sour apples, sweet apples, baking apples, small apples; in my opinion, it’s one of the most varied foods out there. And it’s healthy for you – after all, an apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Selina Fluty, Editor of Student Opinion
Based on the comparison of three fruit traits: versatility, flavor, and healthiness, pineapple is objectively the best fruit. It can be used in sorbets, dinners, and eaten on its own. It can even go on pizza, and if you think it doesn’t, we can’t be friends. Pineapple juice contains over three-fourths of your daily required Vitamin C and contains less added sugar than orange juice, according to Eat This Much and Healthline. And even if you don’t care about health when it comes to your fruits, have you ever had a bad pineapple? Sure, you’ve had superior ones, but you’ve never had a bad pineapple. Wake up, sheeple.
Lillie Krasselt, Managing Editor
If you think any fruit is better than pineapple, you would be incorrect. Looking at factors that define the best fruit: versatility, flavor, and health benefits, it is clear that pineapple most effectively meets all these points. In terms of versatility, pineapple is one of the few fruits that can be used in both savory and sweet dishes and also be commonly juiced. Sweet dishes include chocolate dipped pineapple, pineapple upside down cakes, and pineapple pie. Its natural sweetness shines in these desserts and is popular amongst many people. In savory dishes, pineapple excels in chutneys, pineapple grilled meats, many salads or roasts, and, most importantly, pineapple pizza. Pineapple enhances the flavor of these dishes overall and adds an important acidity to the flavor profile of the dish. Pineapple juice is also a regularly consumed product and is the pinnacle of the many health benefits of pineapple. A couple of the many health benefits of pineapple juice are anti-inflammatory properties, anticancer agents (bromelain), and high vitamin-C content that encourages strong heart health. These, in addition to the positive effect on blood pressure and diabetes, are why pineapple has the most and most beneficial health benefits. The high content of the enzyme bromelain is the lead cause of all of the health benefits as it has properties that react to the body in a way that purely vitamins and minerals of other fruits can not. As pineapple contains the highest concentration of bromelain of all of the fruits, it clearly meets a high standard of health. Coupled with being the healthiest due to high enzyme content and the most versatility due to being able to be used in a high variety of dishes, the flavor is also superior. If the flavor was not impactful, it would not be used in nearly as many of the dishes as it is utilized in. According to Consumer Goods & FMCG, pineapple came in as 42% of people having bought pineapple from the produce section within the last twelve months upon surveying in 2017. It already proved itself in most versatile and best health benefits, and popular opinion spoke to its amazing flavor as it remains one of the most consumed fruits. After proving itself in every category, it has to be awarded the best fruit, and by far.
Naya Johnson, Editor of Campus Life
Few fruits can boast the illustrious history of the fig. Its significance expands far past the reaches of the popular Fig Newton bars. No, the fig holds far greater importance. It was under a fig tree, after all, that the Buddha was rumored to have attained enlightenment. According to BBC, in Mesopotamia, the fig featured in many creation stories. Even the 1st-century Roman philosopher Pliny the Elder could attest to the power of the fig, claiming that “figs are restorative, and the best food that can be taken by those who are brought low by long sickness.” Indeed, the fig lives up to its historical reputation. Bursting with antioxidants and vitamins (A, B, C, and K, to be precise), the fig is also low in calories and fat, says Healthline, making it perfect for intermittent snack breaks. Moreover, figs have been associated with hair loss prevention, the regulation of diabetes, the maintenance of a healthy immune system, and the alleviation of a variety of symptoms pertaining to skin issues (such as eczema and psoriasis). Not convinced? Perhaps it’s the texture that’s throwing you off, but if you’ve ever had a fresh fig, you know that that’s an inconsequential detail in the flavor spectrum. Besides, what the fig lacks in texture it makes up for in diversity. According to Gardening Know How, there are four major kinds of figs – the Common Fig, the Caprifig, the Smyrna, and the San Pedro – which can each be broken into their respective subtypes. Figs of the Common Fig branch produce fruit that can be eaten straight-up, or used to spice up curries and sauces, contributing to the fruit’s versatility. But I can only brag so much on the behalf of this well-balanced gift of nature – try one raw for yourself and you’ll know I’m not lying.
Max Larsen, Columnist
Looks like I might have to join the pineapple committee. Dating all the way back to 1493 when discovered by Christopher Columbus himself, the pineapple can take around 18-20 months to become harvest-ready, according to That’s It Fruit. As is commonly known, with old age comes perfection, which is why the pineapple is the perfect example of what a fruit should be. Pineapples increase bone strength, eye health, immune system support, and digestion, all according to Live Science. Just a few slices of pineapple defends your body from harmful diseases, according to Pure Gold Pineapple. Too many slices of pineapple can start to eat your body from the inside out, however. This is good because it ensures that the pineapple does not allow you to overeat. The pineapple is multipurpose, and can be combined with almost every food. Unlike fruits like blackberries, pineapples can be served in liquids, and not become mushy and lose their flavor. According to Addison Bennett, apples are “iconic.” Although they may represent being on a good side with a teacher, or are famous for hanging off trees, the pineapple is an international icon in one of the highest-grossing shows of all time, “Spongebob.” Raising more than 8 billion dollars, and being named one of Nickelodeon’s most prized and popular shows, “Spongebob” has close ties with a pineapple, a fruit that is proven to be sustainable underwater for more than 20 years, unlike the blackberry. None of Spongebob’s neighbors live in a blackberry for a reason.
Camryn Marshall, Columnist
When considering the best fruit, I feel the obvious answer would have to be strawberries. Not only are they rich in flavor, but they are by far the most versatile fruit on the market. Strawberries can be easily eaten by themselves straight out of the container (unlike something like pineapple), be transformed into the iconic desert dipped in chocolate to add a sweetness, or mixed into a blender to make any drink taste more sensational. Strawberries have one of the richest flavors of all and can hardly ever taste bad even when over ripened. The flavor itself has become a staple ingredient and flavor in most other foods. When discussing ice cream, the three most popular and well-known flavors are: vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry. The two flavor add-ins of milk are chocolate and strawberry. In jams for bread, the two main flavors are grape and strawberry. As far as health benefits, strawberries contain 160 percent of the daily recommended intake of vitamin C, for only 50 calories. This is by far the most versatile and flavorful fruit, making it overall the best option for almost any meal.
Riley Hurlburt, Columnist
I believe that tomates are the best fruit. Tomatoes are used for many different foods as a sauce, a condiment, and even a dip.Tomatoes go with almost anything. You can have them with mozzarella sticks, toast, guacamole, chicken nuggets and fries, etc. More importantly, tomatoes are used for the most popular, flavorful food: pizza. The flavor of the tomato is sweet but tart. Tomatoes are also healthy for you. They are a great source of vitamin C and potassium.
Noah Stults, Columnist
Oranges are by far the best fruit. They are pleasing to the eye and the flavor is even better. When you eat an orange, you will taste a burst of flavor unlike anything you have tasted before. Not only is the taste incredible, you can utilize every part of the orange in so many ways. You can use the juice of the orange to make orange juice, or the skin for orange zest in deserts. For these reasons, the orange is by far the best fruit.
Liz Stover, Columnist
Blackberries are by far the best fruit. They are very nutritious. According to Healthline, they are filled with vitamin C, antioxidants, fiber, vitamin K, and have many other health benefits. On top of this they are delicious and very useful. They can be served by themselves, baked into cakes or cupcakes, made into frosting, ice cream, or gelato. They are also used in many sauces, and can be put into smoothies. They can be used in many meals, and pair perfectly with almost any food.
Amber Fretwell, Columnist
The all-around best fruit is a strawberry. When was the last time you had a sour strawberry? Maybe a soft one, but definitely not sour. Strawberries can be added into foods, made into other foods/substances (jelly/jam), eaten alone, and used for the base for a topping (whipped cream or chocolate). A Harvard study says that they can reduce the risk of heart disease. The flavonoid quercetin found in strawberries are a natural anti-inflammatory that reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, which is the hardening and narrowing of the arteries. Strawberries are good in any form of food. They can be jellied (everyone has enjoyed a peanut butter and strawberry jelly sandwich at some point), frozen in the form of ice cream (which is literally one of the best types of ice cream around), and eaten alone with delicious toppings on top.
Helena Ochoa, Columnist
You can make a list of health benefits for every fruit ever. There’s no point in trying to convince someone that an apple or a strawberry is healthy because everyone already knows that. But when it comes to deserts the best fruit is dates. People eat chocolate strawberries, pineapple cakes, and blueberry pie, but they still contain a lot of sugar. Dates can replace sugar with their naturally sweet flavor by adding a date paste into a recipe instead of sugar. Not only is it getting rid of the sugar, but it is adding the list of health benefits that comes with fruit; according to Healthline, dates can reduce the risks of diseases like Alzheimer’s and contain many disease-fighting antioxidants. Loading ...