History in the Making

Making History Photo courtesy of Lauren Arenas, Copyright © 2013 Lauren Arenas.
August 19, 2013
The new school year brings a host of exciting new opportunities for Horizon Honors students. One such opportunity is the new sport being added to the list that gives select students the opportunity to compete against some big-name schools. Though tryouts will not be held until later in the year, excitement is already building. Horizon Honors has had a girls’ volleyball team for many years, but this year marks the beginning of the boys’ counterpart team.
Boys’ volleyball has been a topic of much thought for Director of Athletics, Nate Agostini. Agostini stated that he “wanted another opportunity for our boys to be able to compete.” Although the number of sports for boys and girls were virtually equal, some sports have not seen a male on the team in multiple years. The introduction of boys’ volleyball is a way for the school to encourage more boys to participate in athletics.
The season takes place in the Spring, beginning in February. Although it will be the first season, enough boys have shown interest that there is likely to be both a Varsity and a Junior Varsity team. An interesting aspect for the new sport is that unlike all of the other sports that the school offers, there is only one division for boys’ volleyball, and so the Horizon Honors team will be participating in Division I competition. Other teams in this division include Desert Vista, Mountain Pointe, and Hamilton.
The season may not be filled with wins, but the boys are optimistic about the opportunity they have been given. Senior Josh Smith commented that he is “looking forward to see what will come of the volleyball program over the course of the season, and to see the guys grow.” They recognize that it will be a learning experience for all of them, but they are prepared to work hard and play their best.
A majority, if not the entirety, of the boys interested have no experience playing competitive volleyball, but their spirit will carry them throughout the season. As with anything new, adjustments will be made until the team comes together and the players learn to work with one another. The school looks toward the season with anticipation as the boys make the preparations for their history making season.