Another Goal for Middle School Soccer
Horizon Honors Middle School soccer team battled Grace Community Christian on Monday, scoring another win for Horizon Honors.
Horizon Honors athlete Kaitlyn Isom, maneuvers the soccer ball. Horizon Honors finished the match with a win.
October 20, 2014
At 4 pm, Oct. 13, Horizon Honors Middle School soccer team gathered at the elementary field to play a match against Grace Community Christian. An enthusiastic crowd, filled with several fans, was cheering for their team. Meanwhile, on the field, each team stretched and warmed up for what would be an hour-long game. Horizon Honors’ coach, Jazmyn Ledford, and the assistant coach, Debbie Ledford, made last-minute comments and drilled the team. At last, they got into their positions, and the game began.
It started with a face off, and Grace Community got possession of the ball. Horizon Honors was on the defence, trying to block passes and retrieve the ball from the other teams’ grasp. With a few well-aimed kicks, we regained possession of the ball. After several more passes out of bounds, the occasional fall, and bursts of speed, seventh grader Nick McElenney made a goal. Cheers rang out, and another face off began.
Two more goals were made by McElenney in the first half of the game. Coach Jazmyn shouted words of encouragement to the players, while the opponent’s coach shouted out his own approval. Kieran Andrews, seventh grader, made a goal as the first half finished.
After a few minutes of rest and rehydration, the Ledfords gathered the students onto the field to prepare them for the second half.
The second half began with Horizon Honors with four points, and Grace Community Christian with none. Horizon Honors gained possession of the ball, and the teams rushed to the opponents’ goal. It ended up being chased back onto our side, but a few passes and the ball was back onto Grace Community’s side. However, one of the opposing team ran down the field and scored on us. A face off and several minutes later, eighth grader Garrett Armstrong scored another point, and the crowd voiced its approval. Another eighth grader Jack Riddle finished the game with one more goal, and Horizon Honors won, six to one.
Seventh grader Aden Molinar walked away from the field proudly, but tired.“We played well,” he said, getting a drink of water. He caught up to the rest of the team, grins and cheers coming from all the students.

Athletes from both team sprint for possession of the ball. Horizon Honors finished the match with a win.

Horizon Honors player attempts to block Grace Community Christian athlete from taking the ball to the other half. Horizon Honors finished the match with a win.

Horizon Honors athlete Kaitlyn Isom begins to perform a trick in order to pass the Grace Community Christian player. Horizon Honors finished the match with a win.