Athlete Spotlight: Spencer Brown
Spencer Brown is one Eagle whose season never stops.
Photo Courtesy of Cooper Brown
Spencer Brown is a competitive Eagle. He participates in varsity athletics for all seasons.
February 17, 2015
Sophomore athlete Spencer Brown participated in two sports this year and is currently playing on the high school baseball team. He shares his experience with the sports throughout the year, along with what motivates him to continue.
The Horizon Sun: What are you looking forward to this upcoming baseball season?
Spencer Brown: I’m looking forward to getting to know the guys more, especially some of the new people that came up to play for their first year. It’ll be cool to see how far we can go with the team that we have.
The Sun: Out of baseball, soccer, and cross country which sport do you enjoy the most? Why?
SB: Probably soccer because it was the first time I did it and some of my friends talked me into doing it. I had a lot of success with it, and I got to step up and be starting goalie for the varsity boys’ team. I had good times with the team and good intense games.
The Sun: Is it tough balancing sports and school? How?
SB: Yes, because practices especially take up most of your time. When you come home, you’re tired from practicing and working out, and you’re tired and want to go to sleep instead of finishing your homework assignments.
The Sun: Do you play any of these sports outside of school? How long?
SB: I played baseball outside of school with a fall club team called the Gears and that was about it. This is my first time playing soccer ever and there aren’t really any club cross country teams.
The Sun: What sparked your interest or motivated you in trying out?
SB: The whole reason I did soccer was because of the team itself. That’s what really sparked my interest. Plus Mr. Andrew, the head girls’ soccer coach, nudged me in the right way to come out and at least try out and I enjoyed it so I went forth and played.
The Sun: Do you intend on trying out again next year? All three?
SB: I plan on doing soccer again next year at least, [and] I’m always going to do cross country because it’s what I do to get in shape. With baseball, I’ve just been doing it because it’s a sport I’ve been playing since I was little. It’s fun.
The Sun: Do you want to continue playing any of these sports after high school? Why? Which sport?
SB: If I could that would be awesome. I’m planning to go to ASU so if they have some type of intramural soccer team that I could join that would really be awesome!
Tyrion Lannister • Feb 26, 2015 at 6:22 pm
The picture is amazing.