Winter Sports Modifications
The AIA recently announced that winter sports are back on. What does this look like for the Horizon Honors sports teams, and what changes are being made?
With COVID-19, the AIA is working to keep sports going while remaining safe.
January 25, 2021
While Horizon students were on winter break, the Arizona Interscholastic Association (AIA) was going back and forth on whether or not high school winter sports would be allowed to happen. Originally, the AIA discontinued the sports seasons in a vote of 5-4. However, recently a re-vote was conducted, and a decision was reached, with sports like soccer and basketball being allowed to continue again.
Due to this continuation, a few necessary modifications and rules were mandatory, put in place to keep players, coaches, and spectators safe from COVID. Not only will there be much stricter monitoring of COVID numbers, as well as the actions of players and coaches, but all players and coaches will need to wear masks at all times, including while playing. Parents and family members also have to follow new rules, with a limit of two spectators per player while at games. The guidelines also make it clear that breaking any rules could result in a player, coach, or whole team being banned from competing for the rest of the season. These rules should help to slow the spread of COVID and allow the sports to keep going for the whole season, but will have major impacts on the players who are used to playing without any kind of face covering.
With the new winter sports guidelines being added, soccer, basketball, wrestling, and spirtline were all allowed to continue, with three of those sports being present at Horizon. This decision was met with both praise and backlash, with some people arguing that high school sports are essential for students, and others arguing that they should have stuck to the original decision for the safety of players and their families.
Despite mixed opinions, Horizon’s players are excited to continue their winter sports, and are ready to work their hardest throughout this season. Students wanting to support these athletes can look to the high school game schedule for dates and times, and could talk to members of the teams for more information.