Behind the Scenes

Arlayna Schooley, Editor of Features & Extras/Arts & Entertainment

There’s a behind-the-scenes for entertainment, technology, science, and just about everything else. Sports is no exception. Very few people know what it’s like to be a soccer player, and being a soccer player myself, I can provide an inside look on the life of a soccer player on and off the field.


Starting after school, I head over to the gym to change for practice.

Things you should pack for practice include, but are not limited to, cleats, shin guards, WATER, any deodorant-perfume-lotion, extra socks/hair ties, and a duffel bag to put it in.

Photo Courtesy of Arlayna Schooley © 2013


No matter what, you should NEVER do any sport or physical activity without the proper stretching. Stretching, when done right, has been proven to help muscles in areas such as your hamstrings and hips.

Photo Courtesy of Arlayna Schooley © 2013


 For those who don’t know, a scrimmage is when your team divides in two and plays against each other -or- Two teams practicing at the same time play each other. This type of scrimmage usually doesn’t have referees, the coach may stop the play, and uniforms aren’t worn. Scrimmages are important, and are often held soon before games. This scrimmage was right before our game on 12/3/13.

Photo Courtesy of Arlayna Schooley © 2013


After a long day doing drills and practice scrimmages, time to do a cool down run and stretches. These are not as hardcore as the ones starting practice. This prevents any pulls or spraining of the muscles and soreness the next day.

Photo Courtesy of Arlayna Schooley © 2013


The importance of a soccer player’s diet cannot be underestimated when planning a path to success on the field.

What to Eat: Simple carbohydrates, Complex carbohydrates, Saturated fats, Unsaturated fats (which includes Protein), Vitamins and minerals, Fiber, and lots of water. After showing, I fuel up for tomorrow’s game.

Photo Courtesy of Arlayna Schooley © 2013


This being my freshman year, I have to keep up with grades even though managing  time between the sport and school has never been a problem. It’s important to be consistent with grades to ensure graduation to a good college, in order to play there as well.

Photo Courtesy of Kaidyn and Paityn Lutostanski © 2013


Everyone needs sleep, especially athletes. The average person needs up to eight hours of sleep each night. I typically go to bed 8:30-9:00 so that I can be fully energized for tomorrow’s practice.

Photo Courtesy of Arlayna Schooley © 2013