Horizon Honors’ Eagle Becomes an Eagle Scout

Eagle Scout James Gauntt successfully reached his goal for an Eagle Scout Project.

Sophomore James Gaunt recently achieved the rank of Eagle Scout and has joined the 4% of Boy Scouts who are able to meet its high requirements.

Viviana Padilla, Columnist

Sophomore James Gauntt was first inspired to do this project by filling bags for a charity. Then he decided he wanted to something bigger. He collected 100 tote bags, but in the end, he had 165 tote bags to give away. Each bag had a blanket, toothbrush set, book and a stuffed animal. His project was called Project Sleep Tight, it took him a total of seven months to finish the project. Now he has supplied many children in need.   

The Horizon Sun: What was your goal for the Eagles Scout Project?

James Gauntt: “The goal of my Eagle Scout Project was to collect enough donated supplies to fill 100 tote bags to be distributed by a charity organization to children in need throughout the state. This goal was exceeded with a final number of 165 tote bags filled.”

The Sun: How were you able to do it?

JG: “I was able to achieve this through lots of hard work, some long nights, a lot of paperwork, and help from friends and family.”

The Sun: What was the project called?

JG: The project was officially called Project Sleep Tight.”

The Sun: What encouraged you to do this?

JG: “I had assisted with the charity organization before in a project with friends that only required filling 50 tote bags. All I had done for that was actually fill the bags, and not helped with any of the supply collecting. I thought about how helpful what we were doing was and decided I wanted to help on a larger scale.”

The Sun: How long have you been working on this project?

JG: I began preparing for approval of the project in early October. In late October, I was approved with a deadline of early December in order to get the tote bags to the children in need by Christmas. The service project itself was completed by its deadline. It took from late December to mid-April to complete the paperwork and pass the board of review. In total, it took 7 months. I personally spent 106 hours on this project and 304 hours when including help from others.”

The Sun: Did you have any help with this project?

JG: “I received significant donations from Horizon [Honors] and families from Horizon [Honors]. Other donations were received from families at local churches. In filling the tote bags, I was assisted by friends from my church along with a student from Horizon [Honors] (Who is currently planning his own Eagle Project).”

The Sun: How do you feel now that you have done a good thing for kids in need?

JG: “Knowing that I have helped 165 children in need only continues to inspire me to do more in trying to make the world a better place one good deed at a time.”

The Sun: How long have you been in Eagle scouts?

JG: I began as a Cub Scout at the age of 8 (8 years ago) and became a Boy Scout at the age of 11 (5 years ago). I have been an Eagle Scout since April 26th of this year. Technically, an Eagle Scout is a rank within Boy Scouts that is only achieved by 5% of all Boy Scouts.”

The Sun: Why did you join Eagle scouts?

JG: “I became a Boy Scout to develop and learn crucial skills that I think all boys and men should know and to help where and when it is needed.”

The Sun:  Do you plan on doing another project?

JG:If done properly, a Boy Scout only does one Eagle Scout Service Project for himself. I will, however, assist other Boy Scouts in their Eagle Projects.”