Mr. Huber, a new member of the Horizon Honors family


Anthony Aido

Huber signs a scheduling sheet for a student. He will be teaching World History classes at Horizon Honors.

Anthony Airdo, Columnist

Chris Huber, Horizon Honors’ new World History teacher, has been teaching here officially for a few weeks. We sat down with him to get an introduction to who he his and why he does what he does.

Q:Where did you get your education?

A: I went to ASU for a while and then to graduate school in North Carolina.

Q: Where else have you lived?

A: I lived in Japan when was 1, but my only memory of it was watching an 80s action movie on the TV in the living room.

Q: What teaching experience do you have prior to Horizon Honors?

A: I’ve previously worked as a substitute at mostly high schools.

Q: What classes will you be teaching?

A: World History for Sophomores and Scholastic Labs.

Q: What do you hope students gain from your classes?

A: The goal of history is making connections to interpret history. The point of history is drawing personal importance from the past and using it to improve your own life. If the students find value in what I’m teaching, than that’s a success.

Q: What made you decide to come to Horizon Honors?

A: I’ve been working in the area as a substitute, and Horizon needed a full time teacher. This position really fit what I was looking for.