Beyond the Walls: Resolution of Respect
Students in Beyond the Walls are working together to inform Horizon Honors’ students about bullying.
High schoolers Krista Santacruz, Alexa Geidel, and middle schooler Tessa Jung write the Resolution of Respect on butcher paper that will serve as a “contract” among students to act in ways that are kind and respectful, and that combat bullying.
March 2, 2014
Beyond the Walls students are taking the fight against bullying a step further by creating a presentation titled “Under the Radar.” This presentation will raise awareness about subtle bullying acts and will be shown in Scholastic Lab to secondary students starting the second week of March. They will share the message that bystanders should stand up against even the smallest of bullying incidents. Junior Alexa Geidel, president of Beyond the Walls, explained that the group will be including forms of bullying such as cruel texts, exclusion, talking behind people’s backs, and sarcasm in the presentations, as well as providing some statistics and questions for discussion. After the presentations are viewed, students will be taken into the courtyard to sign the Resolution of Respect, making a commitment to keeping Horizon Honors a safe, bully-free environment.
The group has high expectations for the project. “We really hope that the idea hits home with the students, and that they understand subtle bullying,” says Geidel. The project will open up the topic of indirect bullying, and hopefully impact students’ views on the subject. In addition, the club hopes that because students are receiving the information from fellow secondary students, they may be more open to the ideas, suggestions, and discussion. “I think that these presentations will provide a different approach to the subject of bullying because they involve the students’ participation,” Geidel stated. Since these projects involve student commitment, Beyond the Walls is hopeful that they will make a difference in the lives of Horizon Honors students.