Performing with Poinsettias

These beautiful plants are perfect for Christmas and their vibrant colors are sure to knock you off your feet!

Brandon Bybee

Support choir and guitar classes by purchasing a beautiful holiday decoration.

Brandon Bybee, Columnist

As the year progresses, the holiday festivities start. Carolers start singing, Christmas trees are put up, relatives are shopping for one another, and a general happy feeling is present when Christmas comes to town. Everyone loves that moment when you run over to the tree, waiting for Santa Claus’s presents to be there. Sure, Christmas trees are both traditional and beautiful, but there are other delightful plants that you can put throughout your house, such as a poinsettia. These plants have vibrant red and green leaves, with a little yellow center.

The Choir and Guitar classes at Horizon Honors are selling these wonderful plants. Each poinsettia is $10, and you can order multiple ones at a time. You can give them to a loved one, a friend, anyone who you think will love it. They will be picked up on the choir concert night, Dec. 12, and the guitar showcase, Dec. 15, where they will have been set out to decorate the stage. All orders must be placed before the concert night. To order, you can fill a form out online, or ask anyone who is in choir or guitar for a flyer. In choir, the profits will help Cori Vanderley save up for a new piano for future performances. In the end, these wonderful plants look amazing, are sold at a fair price, and will help the choir and guitar classes raise some money for future concerts.