Thank You, Journalism

May 27, 2022
Journalism is a truly surreal experience. No class I have taken or will ever take can compare to it. The family aspect to this class has truly helped me feel comfortable, and be who I am. Promotion of constructive criticism, encouragement, education, jokes, random tangents, and the people in this class are the reasons for my success and love for this class.
Thank you to every student who’s been a part of this class. Thank you for allowing me to help you improve your writing, while helping me improve mine at the same time. Each and every member of this class has a unique thought path, and seeing that has helped me mature. Thank you for the joy you guys bring to me.
Thank you to my fellow editors. You guys are truly an amazing staff, and out of the five years I’ve been here, you guys have gone far above and beyond any group I’ve seen yet. Each of you has an extreme work ethic and drive to keep this class going. Your desire to help others and benefit us all is something I envy deeply. Thank you for including me in the serious, random, and comical conversations we have every class. Keeping in touch with you all will be one of my greatest priorities.
Finally, thank you Ms. Britt. Finding words to describe the things you’ve done for not only me, but every single student you’ve had is near impossible. The time, effort, advice, and love you give to each and every one of us is something I’ll never see again in a person. Thank you for being my mentor, my teacher, and my best friend. You are what every teacher and mother aspires to be. You are liked by many, educated, efficient, and have a unique talent of carrying multiple classes on your back at the same time, all while being a great pickleball player. The ways you have impacted my life are hard to describe. Each skill and lesson you’ve taught me will stick with me for the rest of my life, and I have no doubt that because of you, I will continue to be successful. Thank you for this chapter of my life. Thank you for your kindness. Thank you for journalism.