Student News for Horizon Honors Secondary School

The Horizon Sun

Student News for Horizon Honors Secondary School

The Horizon Sun

Student News for Horizon Honors Secondary School

The Horizon Sun

My Fondest Farewell
My Fondest Farewell
Carsten Oyer, Editor-in-Chief • May 24, 2024

Five years ago I entered the computer lab here on campus for the first time. I was attending the class...

My Last Article
My Last Article
Canon Grant, Political Analyst • May 24, 2024

Dear Horizon Honors, In Journalism, farewell articles are reserved for those who have spent a significant...

Daniel Duggan is under suspicion of betraying the U.S.
Former U.S. Marine Arrested in Australia after Unknowingly Working with a Chinese Hacker
Joey Miller, Columnist • May 21, 2024

A former United States Marine pilot fighting extradition from Australia to the U.S. was charged with...

Mary Alice Pultz has been identified as a dead body found decades ago.
Authorities in Florida Identify Remains of Woman Last Seen 40 Years Ago
Ethan Fulton, Columnist • May 21, 2024

In 1985, human remains were found on a beach in St. Johns County, Florida. On May 12, police were able...

Israels actions in the Gaza Strip are worthy of being called genocidal.
Israel Has Chosen Criminality
Carsten Oyer, Editor-in-Chief • May 21, 2024

It would be disingenuous to say that the Oct. 7, 2023 terror attack on Israel sparked the current war...

The aurora borealis could be seen in Arizona recently.
Aurora Borealis Visible in Arizona
Eli Geist, Columnist • May 21, 2024

Many travel far north just to get a glimpse of the aurora borealis; however, recently the amazing spectacle...

Squad Busters is a new game from Supercell.
New Supercell Game: “Squad Busters”
Matthew Greco, Columnist • May 21, 2024

The popular mobile game company Supercell just announced a new game currently in development called “Squad...

Weather Data Source: 30 tage Phoenix wetter

My Last Article


Dear Horizon Honors,

In Journalism, farewell articles are reserved for those who have spent a significant time in the class. Seeing as I only came to Horizon Honors in my junior year, I am far from a seasoned veteran. However, I spent half of my High School career at this school and in Journalism, which to me is a significant amount of time. I also felt so inclined to write this article more for myself than anything. It is a proper farewell, finishing off with my best foot forward, saying a quiet goodbye even if nobody hears it.

In March, I received my Mission Call from my Church to serve in the Panama City, Panama Mission Spanish-speaking. On Aug. 12 I will report to the online Missionary Training Center (MTC) before going to the Mexico MTC on Aug. 21. Aug. 12 will mark the start of a two year Mission where I will put my life on pause; I will be allowed a video call once a week and be able to send out an email. No one said a Mission was going to be easy.

I have always had a hard time openly discussing my faith, something I have always seen as a major flaw. This fear of course will have to be overcome if I am to be able to serve. Describing why I choose to serve a mission in such a setting will prove to be difficult and I pray that I have the skill to properly put into writing my faith and feelings on the matter. In a world where religion is declining rapidly (a Pew Research study in December of 2022 found that the U.S. public is growing less religious), it can oftentimes seem taboo and inconsiderate to share one’s religion so openly. But what I find inconsiderate is to keep something to myself that has brought me so much peace, happiness, and joy.

I am proud to call myself a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and a true Christian. I do not serve a mission out of any cultural pressure or custom. Though it is often encouraged, the decision to serve a mission is mine and mine alone. I do not do it for the promise of riches or a ‘heaven’ after I die. I do it out of love, love for my Church, my God, and for people I have yet to even meet. I choose to put my life on hold, to learn a new language, to go to a new land, to put my mental, spiritual, and physical strength to the test for two years because when I go to church and participate in my faith I am filled with a love and fire that outshines all my anxieties, fears, anger, and weariness. All negative emotion seems to evaporate, and I feel true joy.

Some of those reading this may roll their eyes, laugh and scorn; in my journey through high school I have been truly blessed to be surrounded by those who share my faith, though I have learned that my faith is not popular. I write this article because no longer can I stay silent, no more can I keep something so beautiful to myself. I refuse to keep this joy, love, and peace within.

As I close this chapter of my life and open a new one I would just like to say to Horizon Honors, thank you. For the two years I have been here I have grown as a person. Even though I have sometimes hated it here I know that there was no other way I would’ve become the person I am today. I thank you Horizon Honor for all the victories and defeats, the joys and sorrows, the good times and the bad times. Goodbye Horizon, goodbye class of 2024, and goodbye Journalism; you will always be thought of with fondness. I just hope that many of you will think the same way.

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