A Literature Lover’s Lament

Addy Bennett

Classics such as Les Miserables, Romeo and Juliet, The Odyssey, and The Chronicles of Narnia are among my personal library. Most teens book stocks are seriously lacking even though teachers encourage student to build up their supply.

Addy Bennett, Editor-in-Chief

I often find my friends and peers complaining about their reading assignments.  I can understand why they don’t particularly like Johnny Tremain, among others, but what saddens me is that they don’t appreciate the book.  People can hate a novel, but should know that it took a lot of effort to make that novel happen.

I know what’s it’s like to at least try to write a book.  Let me tell you, it’s tough.  Getting the plot down, creating characters, writing dialogue; none of these things are as easy as one might think.   And after experiencing an author’s pain, it’s hard to think that people would not appreciate all of that work.

So why don’t kids acknowledge books these days?  It all boils down to one simple word: illiteracy.  I don’t speak of the kind of illiteracy that is borne of pure idiocy.  What I mean is the type that comes from lack of interest in real culture.

People are too obsessed with Honey Boo Boo or Miley Cyrus to grasp the meaning of a good book.  I don’t have anything against these things, but they seem to consume our lives until we can’t appreciate any good form of art.  All of these things deter the process to maturity and a better lifestyle.

Some people consider me to be uptight and too involved in studying, but that’s not actually how I am.  I don’t like school some days and I do obsess over TV shows sometimes, just like the rest of you.  The point I make is that while you don’t have to like a piece of art, whether it be a drawing, song or even (gasp) a book, you should acknowledge the effort that goes into it.