Baseball Field Frustrations
Since the inception of Horizon Honors, neither the middle school nor high school baseball teams have had their own field on campus.
Horizon Honors uses the elementary field for softball games. Baseball has to play at a different location, off campus, for home games.
December 10, 2014
While Horizon Honors is known more for academic achievements more than athletics, the athletes take pride in their skills and the school hopes their teams will emerge victorious after the season. However, for Horizon Honors’ baseball teams, there is no designated baseball field on campus, which can sometimes impede or greatly slow the progress of practice. Being a member of the middle school baseball team this season, I can attest to this. Having to share the much smaller softball field with the softball team shortens everyone’s practice time and limits what the baseball team can do while softball practice is still going on.
For the high school baseball team, it is impossible for them to be able to practice on campus. They have to leave school grounds and use a larger field elsewhere, because the softball field is simply not big enough. This means that none of the high school baseball program’s practices or games are truly “at home.” As for the middle school baseball team, practices are still on site, but our home games are at Mountain Vista Park. Once again, I believe unnecessary fuel is being used due to the lack of a baseball field for the baseball teams.
Just think of the money that could be saved from not having to spend money on gas to drive to home games and even practices for the high school team. Nate Agostini, the athletic director for Horizon Honors, stated that it would be exciting to add a baseball field at Horizon Honors, but it would be a difficult process. “We have the land by the parking lot, but we are only leasing the land. For us to be able to build a field, we have to get permission from the land owner.”
Agostini added that talks have begun between the landowner and the school regarding the possible construction, and that Horizon Honors’ high school baseball coach is involved in the movement. Agostini concluded, “I would love to see a baseball field, as well as a soccer field, at Horizon, but it will take some time and money.” I can say that I am looking forward to the exciting possibility of a baseball field on campus.