Pretty Please With a Cherry on Top

Younger people may be thinking they deserve more than they actually do.


Photo Courtesy of Sammi Tester

Teenagers often get new, expensive technology from their parents.

Sammi Tester, Editor of Student Opinion

Teenagers everywhere constantly feel the need to fit in. A lot of the time, “fitting in” requires to get something new, cool, and, usually, expensive. They may go up to their parents and ask for something, and their wish is more than likely granted. However, do they deserve to have their desires given to them whenever they ask for them?

Over time, some kids and young adults have built up a thought of entitlement they shouldn’t have. They think that they deserve to be rewarded by their parents or other by accomplishing somewhat small things. In 2012, the New Yorker said about two-thirds of parents think their children are spoiled. This could be happening for a variety of reasons. Some people, like Richard Weissbourd, think society has become more aware of what might make a child happy. This awareness makes people more prone to say “yes” to their kids.

The built-up entitlement shouldn’t be pursued. Newer generations should be taught that they should have to work hard to be rewarded. We also shouldn’t have to be bribed by our parents to try our hardest in sports or school. To try our best in something should come naturally and be rewarded if the outcome was exceptional or outstanding. And working hard should be of more value than begging for something and asking “pretty please” about a million times over again.

How do we eliminate this self-entitlement many of us have? Maybe next time you ask for something because you just have to have it because everyone else has it, think about how you can show you deserve it. Show that you care about it more than the just asking for it.