Horizon Honors Gets Its Relay On

Relay for Life is an event that raises money for cancer survivors, current patients, and their caregivers.

Kalyn McLeod

A photo of the survivor’s lap from last year’s Relay for Life.

Sarah Kerr, Columnist

Relay for Life is an annual event to raise money in the fight against cancer. Attending the event costs 15 dollars, which is donated to the American Cancer Society to help support it in its efforts. The main event of the run is to have fun with friends while helping cancer patients, their caregivers, and those who have survived cancer. Relay for Life will take place at Horizon Honors Secondary School on Friday, April 14, and the whole school is welcome to participate.

The point of this fundraiser is to raise money for those impacted by a cancer diagnosis. The American Cancer Society says that the money raised goes to community services, research, education, medical care, and patient support. Beyond the purpose of the event, Relay for Life also allows participants to enjoy an evening at school with friends, playing fun games and serving their community.

To gain a better picture of what Relay for Life will look like this year, the Horizon Sun interviewed Faith Pellegrino, who has served as Vice Event Chair of the Relay for Life Event Leadership Team.

(Editor’s note: responses have been edited for clarity)

The Horizon Sun: What kind of activities can participants expect?

Faith Pellegrino, senior: At Relay, we will have different fun activities going on for the teams as well as ceremonies. Some of the activities include a Jenga tournament, s’mores, and different relay-based laps around the track that is set up in the gym. We have laps around the track to honor our survivors and caregivers, a luminaria ceremony to honor those that have passed, and a speech from one of Horizon’s own teachers that has battled cancer.

Sun: What is the theme for the event?

FP: The theme for this year’s Relay for Life is the red carpet!

Sun: How do you guys come up with the themes for all of the Relay for Life events?

FP: Our Event Leadership Team comes up with the theme every year by throwing out a bunch of ideas for consideration; those ideas get narrowed down and voted on by the team.

Sun: How long has Relay for Life been a thing at Horizon Honors?

FP: Relay for Life has been going on at Horizon Honors since 2016 and was introduced to the school by Mr. and Mrs. Huber.

Sun: How much money does Relay for Life raise?

FP: Our goal for this year’s event is to raise $5,000.

Sun: How many people are usually involved in Relay for Life?

FP: Our event usually brings in around 100 people, and this year it was planned by a leadership team of 30 students.

There is still time to register to attend this awesome event. You can sign up and make your $15 donation at this link. Relay for Life will last from 5:00 p.m. to midnight on Friday, April 14. If you aren’t already, make sure and show up to support the members of our community who have fought cancer.