Connor Davis, Columnist
Amazon Prime Gets It Right
How did Amazon become so good at making adaptations and what did they get right?
Holiday Symbols
Where do the symbols of the Christmas holiday come from?
“Clue” Review
Does “Clue” give you the best bang for your buck? Spoilers for the show are included.
Local Legends
How does a story go down as an urban legend?
Which “Wich” is Which?
What makes a sandwich a sandwich? Is it the bread or the filling? Or both?
What’s the Deal With Clue?
With actors being quarantined and COVID-19 cases on the rise, what will happen to the Horizon Honors drama production, Clue?
The Genius of Clancy and King
Why Clancy and King are geniuses in the world of novels.
Sweet History
Where did the sweet treat of candy come from?
Throwback Theaters?
Could drive-in theaters make a comeback during quarantine?
Music Now and Music Then
How does modern music compare to old-school tunes?