The Nickelodeon original “Avatar: The Last Airbender” (ATLA), which ran from 2005 to 2008, has finally gotten the live action remake that it deserves. The animated show had three seasons and a total of 61 episodes that in the story take place over a year. The show tells the story of Avatar Aang’s fight against the Fire Nation with the help of Katara, Sokka, his bison Appa, and other allies.
The iconic cast will not be playing their characters though. The cast for the show, as stated by ONE Esports will be, “Gordon Cormier as Aang, Kiawentiio Tarbell as Katara, Ian Ousley as Sokka, Dallas James Liu as Zuko, Daniel Dae Kim as Fire Lord Ozai, and Paul Sun-Hyung Lee as Uncle Iroh.”
Many concerns, though, present themselves as many fans are still skeptical of the quality after the abysmal 2010 live action movie. However, many concerns have been tackled because the film writers and directors recognized the issues with the live action movie. Screenrant lists six things the show is already fixing. The name of the show is the same as the original, the story is shown, not told, the actors look closer to their animated counterparts, the beloved Kyoshi Warriors are included, the special effects look much better, and the character designs have vastly improved.
The first episode of the new series was a mixture of content from the first three episodes, but also original content added in by the writers. The show opened up with Aang’s backstory and Avatar Kiyoshi as the narrator rather than Katara. The show is also much more violent, showing deaths on screen. It is far more brutal than the Nickelodeon classic, with one person at the beginning getting completely burned to death. The special effects and pronunciation of Aang have been fixed from the 2010 movie, thankfully. The best part of the show is that they kept the original ending music from the original series.
The new live action “Avatar: the Last Airbender” has come with changes to the original series but remains a loyal adaptation. All live action remakes have to make changes so as not to appear purely like the original. This one will be no different.