The animated hit show, Arcane, released the highly anticipated Act II of season two on Nov. 16. Arcane is set in the League of Legends universe, showcasing the origin stories of beloved sisters, Jinx, previously known as Powder, and Vi. Several famous actors voice the animated characters, including Hailee Steinfield as Vi, Ella Purnell as Jinx, and Kevin Alejandro as Jayce, according to IMDB. Riot Games is set to release the final act of the season on Nov. 23.
The show begins with the orphaned sisters taken in by Vander, who is known to be the protector of the impoverished undercity, Zaun. The episodes are set in two contrasting cities, Zaun and Piltover. The thriving, wealthy city of Piltover controls Zaun, oppressing their residents’ opportunities and quality of life. Unsurprisingly, tensions between the cities, who were once united, rise as Zaunites attempt to improve their lives. Vi and Powder steal to survive, but make the mistake of robbing a student, Jayce Tails, who was creating and using forbidden crystals. When they attempt to escape with the valuables found, a dropped crystal causes an explosion leading authorities to seek the perpetrators. Vander and his sibling-turned-rival, Silco, make a deal which results in the death of numerous characters due to Powder’s attempts to help, including a character close to the two sisters.
This major death caused the sisters to forcefully split up, with Powder being re-named Jinx as she is taken in by Silco and Vi imprisoned for their crimes. Jinx helps Silco in his smuggling business, while Vi is released early by Caitlin, a loyal enforcer of Piltover. Vi and Caitlin work together to take down Silco’s trade, while Jayce and his partner Viktor, successfully produce technologies, called Hextech, with the previously forbidden blue crystals. When Vi and Jinx accidentally reunite, Vi is forced to choose between her long-lost sister and Caitlin, ending up worsening the tensions between Piltover and Zaun. Fans waited for three years for the second season’s release, which is jam-packed with action and conflict. Act I and II have shown a crucial comeback of a character, coupled with major deaths and explores Vi, Jinx, and Caitlyn’s relationships. Havoc wrecks both cities and the sisters struggle with deep internal conflict. Avid watchers of this Netflix show have hope for the final act’s release and what it could mean for the fate’s of their favorite characters.
Large companies like Pizza Hut, Discord, Fenty Beauty, and Funko Pop are all collaborating with Arcane to release products and experiences inspired by the characters. Fenty Beauty released an entire collection of makeup with Arcane, including five of their popular Lip Luminizers, eyeliners, and more. Funko Pop recently released their signature figurines, starring Jinx, Vi, Ekko, and several others.
Not only does Arcane appeal to players of League of Legends, but the beautiful animation style attracts people who have never played the popular game, becoming devoted fans. The game adaptation features a mix of fantasy and steampunk elements, drawing viewers in with its well-written, exciting storyline and popular Imagine Dragons track, “Enemy.” The show is well-known for reportedly being the most expensive animated show, reports Variety, spending $250 million to produce and promote a total of 18 episodes. The first season won over twenty awards according to IMDB, including all 9 categories it was nominated for in the prestigious Annie Awards. Reporter Charles Pulliam-Moore with The Verge wrote “the show as a whole is still utterly gorgeous, the action feels even more brutal this time around”, echoing many viewers’ opinions of the new updates to the franchise.
For many viewers, Arcane served as an introduction into the League of Legends’ franchise, such as interviewee Marissa Gammill. When asked to give a statement about the newly released season the dedicated fan talked about the remarkable plot that was “beautifully written and had so many tiny details…you can tell the artists really spent time in even just the micro-expressions.” An element many fans noticed was the rushed pacing, but the stunning art direction from the first season continued with this season, according to Crystal Lowe. He expressed a desire for a continuation of the series, saying “I just wish it had been paced for three seasons [to have] room for further character development.” Another avid viewer, Kyper Greger, stated her love of the “heart wrenching character development” along with the extremely “realistic depictions of trauma and grief,” unlike the majority of television shows. These raving reviews are incredibly common for the highly rated show, having fans eagerly anticipating the show’s finale.