Tips for the Xbox Update

Xbox fans have been disappointed by the new update, but there are some bypasses users can employ to get past the system.

Eric Friedli, Columnist

During the recent update for Xbox One, users may have had a few problems with their consoles, here are a few tips to get your Xbox going again. Some of these tips will take time and patience, and they are not guaranteed to help as they are just things I have seen work

The most recent Xbox update has resulted in many technical problems, many of them restricting the user’s ability to access Game DVR and other owner-installed apps. However, there are several network issues that have arisen. One way past these network issues is to reset your games. By doing this, you can quit all games and uninstall the ones that are slowing the system down. You can then reinstall the ones that interest you the most, and the rest will have to be reinstalled over time. This serves as one of the ways to fix the network.

Another way to help the game DVR is to unplug your Xbox and to sign into the DVR on a computer. Then plug the Xbox back in, turn it on, and refresh the captures. This may not solve the problem. If it did not, it means you have taken up too much space and need to let it load. It may take almost an hour, or even more, but just remember that when you make a capture, log into the captures and let it upload before you record 20 more.

The last thing is just simply resetting your Xbox, signing into another profile with nothing on it, and deleting all the apps that show up on that account. This will take all of the things that were shared into other profiles away.

It should be noted that any problems that users have experienced with Ubisoft are due to the update. Ubisoft requires a high level connection, and if that requirement is not met, then it will cause problems with their games. If you encounter this problem, check the NAT in the options menu in Rainbow Six Siege.