“Anything Goes”: Behind the Sets and Costumes

This year’s fall production,” Anything Goes,” is gearing up for stage. Students eagerly start the search for the perfect costumes, props, and set pieces.

Anything Goes: Behind the Sets and Costumes

Selina Fluty, Editor of Student Opinion

“Costuming explains who characters are,” says Ann Shaheen, Humanities teacher and the director of Anything Goes. She has been a part of Horizon Honors’ productions ever since they began. “Each character has their own unique costume.” Although the costumes are fun to wear, it can take the whole first quarter to get all the aspiring actors to put their costumes together.

“It’s a bit difficult to get the costumes,” says eighth grader Jessica Espinoza. She has been at Horizon Honors for four years and has been in both The Sound of Music as a nun, and the upcoming musical. She takes on the role of a passenger for Anything Goes, and is extremely excited to participate.

The sets are also a key component in a play. They begin by building the sets, and then painting them when they’re complete.  After, the students start adding little details to the sets to bring it all together, creating a set piece or stage prop that truly fits the play. It may take a while to build the sets, but the students always get it completed.

“Being a team and working together are very important to our program,” Ms. Shaheen finishes. A musical as great as Anything Goes is a big task to take on, but with their creativity and eagerness, the cast can work together and get the job done.