Brandon Bybee, Columnist
Coca-Cola Give
A new twist on the classic box top donations.
Disney Ruling the World
As Disney progresses, so does its thirst for power. It owns many companies such as Marvel, Star Wars, and more, but they recently bought 20th Century Fox, which could have some interesting effects in the movie industry.
Winter Wonderland in a Jar
Instead of being in a snowstorm, why not make one yourself! This easy to make, inexpensive, and adorable little blizzard is perfect as a little decoration in any household.
Performing with Poinsettias
These beautiful plants are perfect for Christmas and their vibrant colors are sure to knock you off your feet!
Stay Warm This Winter With Eagle’s Nest Winter Wear
Purchase some fun winter clothes at the Eagle’s Nest and help support our school.
You’ll Go Absolutely Batty Over These Treats!
Spooky bat treats are perfect for a Halloween party and even work remarkably well as cupcake toppings.