Blooming Art

Avoid the hassle of mixing colors – instead, use the shortcut of paint chips to achieve the desired effect of a rainbow.


Photo Courtesy of Kelleigh Hogan

Paint chips offer endless possibilities for color, making them perfect for any art you want to do involving color.

Kelleigh Hogan, Editor-in-Chief

One of the most frustrating parts of art is the range of colors available: you never seem to have enough colors. I have encountered such an issue countless times when trying make a colorful painting and my ability to blend colors seem to fail me. However, this project gives us the solution: paint chips. In this project, images will be cut out of the paint chips and glued on the canvas, making artwork that screams color.



  • Canvas
  • Paint chips
  • Punch-out
  • Hot glue
  • Pencil
  • Ruler