Xander Sharpe, Columnist
“Solo” Stands Alone
Minor spoilers in the last paragraph for “Solo: A Star Wars Story.”
Sweet & Spicy Watermelon Bites
These watermelon bites will leave your taste buds bursting with a juicy and sweet yet spicy flavor that is sure to leave you satisfied.
Violence Linked to Video Games?
Violent video games are constantly being blamed for causing aggression in children and teens, but these claims may not be as true as we think.
Superbowl Creates Super Economy
The Super Bowl is one of the most anticipated events of the year, especially for the cities hosting them.
Classics Ruined by Their TV Counterparts
There have been numerous live remakes of classic movies such as “A Christmas Story,” “Grease,” and “Hairspray,” which shouldn’t have been made.
Study Tips for Finals
The dreaded finals are almost upon us, and if you want to ace them, then I suggest you pay attention to these study tips.
Is Amazon Key the Key to Stopping Package Thieves?
There has been a continuous wave of criminals stealing Amazon packages off porches. The Amazon Key is supposedly going to prevent it, but there are concerns that other problems will arise.
Christmas may seem like the perfect time to get a puppy, but any pending puppy owner should be aware of the pros and cons of owning one.
“Pay to Win” Video Games are Taking Over the Gaming World
Many video games these days have a new feature commonly called “pay to win” and most players are highly disappointed with it.
Stranger Things Season Two is “Totally Tubular”
(Warning: major spoilers ahead!) The second season of the hit show “Stranger Things” is a great adventure that has new lovable characters and an inventive plot. It even includes some nostalgic 80’s Easter eggs.
Let’s Get Magical!
Harry Potter Club is one of the newest clubs at Horizon Honors and is satisfyingly similar to the “Harry Potter” universe.

Caught in a Web
This spooky project is slightly easier if you can recruit a friend, making for a fun crafting session.