The Myers-Briggs Personality Test and Its Accuracy

Sophia Geisler, Columnist

With today’s society, and the invention of social media, people have turned to personality tests for a variety of reasons. These quizzes have functions ranging from fun little quizzes to scientific ones, like the Myers-Briggs personality test.

The Myers-Briggs organization was founded by Isabel Briggs Myers. Since its release, the test has been considered both scientifically valid, according to the Myers & Briggs Foundation, and scientifically not, says Vox. All around, however, the test has a 90% accuracy and retest correlation. The test measures your personality based on 4 different measures: introvert vs extrovert, intuitive vs observant, thinking vs feeling, and judging vs prospecting. For example, ENTP would stand for extroverted, intuitive, thinking, and prospecting. The test has 16 types, as stated by 16 Personalities:

The Analysts
The analyst category consists of ENTP, the debater, ENTJ, the commander, INTP, the logician, and INTJ, the architect. This group is mostly considered to be more on the thinking side, meaning they use their head more than heart. They are also known to be creative, imaginative and independent.

The Diplomats
The diplomat category consists of INFJ, the advocate, INFP, the mediator, ENFJ, the protagonist, and ENFP, the campaigner. These types are considered to be empathetic and value connections with others. This type is also considered to be more commonly known as “old souls.”

The Sentinels
Consisting of ISJF, the defender, ISTJ, the logistican ESTJ, the executive, and ESFJ, the consul, the sentinel category is known to be nurturing and caring. Some traits commonly associated with The Sentinels are trustworthiness, reliability, charismatic, and creative.

The Explorers
Consisting of ISTP, the virtuoso, ISFP, the adventurer, ESTP, the entrepreneur, and ESFP, the entertainer, the explorers are associated with energy, adventure, and living life “weightless.” They’re also known to enjoy living on the edge and value the idea of not knowing what might happen next.

Although personality tests can never be 100% accurate since you can’t fit people into one, two, or even 16 categories, the Myers-Briggs test is known to be accurate and more flexible than most. You can take the test here.