A Philly Special Christmas

The Philadelphia Eagles offensive linemen make a new track for the Christmas season.

The Eagles new holiday album is festive and fun.

Philadelphia Eagles

The Eagles’ new holiday album is festive and fun.

Maya Zappa, Columnist

The Philadelphia Eagles offensive linemen, Jason Kelce, Jordan Mailata, and Lane Johnson, made a new Christmas album, called, “A Philly Christmas Special.” Every Friday from Dec. 2 to  Dec. 28, a new song will be released. So far, only two songs have been released. The first one, “Christmas (Baby Please Come Home),” is sung by Jordan Mailata with the full spotlight, while the second, “Blue Christman” is sung by Kelce and Johnson.

The Eagles linemen have a special reason for doing this. According to Philadelphia Eagles, they got this idea when volunteering at Children’s Crisis Treatment Center (CCTC). All of the proceeds they make will be donated to the CCTC. The album is meant to give back to the community and bring everyone together during the holiday season.

The linemen have given little hints about guests in their album. According to The Liberty Line, Some of these songs will be featuring Jalen Hurts. Hurts is the Eagles Quarterback who’s crept into popularity this season. Many are excited about having more Eagles on the album, and especially their quarterback for showing off his backup singer vocals.

This album is to bring everyone together. For children and Eagle’s fans alike, this album provides something to look forward to. Many have been saying that there might be a run in for Christmas Queen against Mariah Carey. These three linemen are bringing joy into this holiday season by showing off their beautifully unexpected vocals.