Max Larsen, Sports Editor
The New Cardinals Candidates
Rosen leaves, Murray joins.
Frankenstein’s Utensil
Sporks aren’t valid.
Fill Those Lockers for JV Soccer
Trying out for sports can be intimidating, but the Junior Varsity soccer team is the perfect opportunity to test your skills.
Lurking Lionfish
There has been a sudden increase in populations of lionfish throughout the coast of Florida. This poses a major threat, as the lionfish is a venomous creature that blends in with coral and rocks and tends to bury itself among the sandbanks.
Cancer’s Genetic Background
It may just be unlucky that a few members in a family have or have had cancer, but there is genetic research to show that cancer can run in a family, just like hair or eye color.
Lasting a Lifetime
Songs from when my mom was a kid, such as “Hotel California” and “Margaritaville,” still play on the radio today. A popular TV series known as “Friends” has been playing since 1994, and still remains on TV stations daily.
Long-Lasting Shows & Songs
Media that has lasted the test of time.
Cue the Cleaning
A keyboard has roughly 7,500 bacteria per swab, according to RealBusiness.
With the battle pass for season four of Fortnite available soon, there are many predictions of what the themes may be.
Tiny Erasers: Big Mistake
Erasers that are small make me bawl.
Is Daylight Savings Worth the Time?
On March 11, 2018, the clocks will be turned one hour ahead to make for a more efficient and better use of daylight.